Seismic Geomorphology in the Late Cenozoic Depositional Evolution of the Gulf of Thailand
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Recent development of three-dimensional (3D) seismic datasets enables geologists to visualize and analyze buried land- and sea-scapes revealed by subsurface geophysical data in a manner resembling surface geomorphology. The seismic geomorphology is useful to interpret seismic
patterns for geomorphology of a formation, which is similar to using satellite and aerial photos of the Earth’s surface. A successful study of seismic geomorphology at the Gulf of Thailand situated within the Sunda shelf reveals the detailed information of paleoenvironment of the Pleistocene to Holocene time. Three sequence boundaries have been observed from the 3D seismic data. These sequence boundaries are related to a change in relative sea level during Pleistocene to Holocene time. The study area is dominated by delta, estuarine and present-day marine environments. The stacked point bar zone has formed in the study area that is potential a reservoir for shallow gas and/or biogenic gas. These results are expected to be a useful tool for petroleum exploration and development in the Gulf of Thailand and adjacent areas.
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