Structural Geology of Copper Deposit in the Puthep 1 Area, Loei Province: Interpretation from Resistivity and Induced Polarization Data
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The structural geology associated with mineralization in the Puthep 1 area, Loei Province, northeastern Thailand was interpreted based on depth slices of resistivity and induced polarization. The copper deposits are located mainly in a N-S trending zone along the central part of the area with a potentially small deposit in the southwestern corner of the area. The majority of the copper deposits occurs along N-S trending fractures that probably developed due to flexure along the crest of an anticline. The lateral extension of these N-S trending fractures were limited by E-W and NW-SE trending pre-existing structures and offset by subsequent left-lateral movements along NE-SW trending shear fractures. The study has implications for mineral exploration and production in the Puthep 1 area and surrounding areas with comparable geology.
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