1D Basin Modeling of Kra Buri-1, W9-E-1 and Thalang-1 Wells, Mergui Basin, Andaman Sea, Thailand
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Exploration in the Mergui Basin, located in the Andaman Sea offshore southern Thailand, has so far been unsuccessful. There were no commercial hydrocarbons found in this basin. Previous study has focused on structure and trap. It was deemed necessary to study basin modeling to better understand the petroleum system of this basin. Basin modeling was constructed using PetroMod 1D (Version11) program. Input parameters can be divided into 3 groups. (1) Stratigraphic and source rock properties data were extracted from previous study reports. (2) Boundary conditions, the surface water interface temperature (SWIT) values are based on a publication by Wygrala (1989). Other boundary conditions, the paleo water depths (PWD) used in this study are estimated based on the deposition environments of each unit. (3) Calibration is based on vitrinite reflectance and bottom hole temperature (BHT) data to adapted models by varying heat flow (HF). The basin modeling of Kra Buri-1, W9-E-1 and Thalang-1 wells shows depth of petroleum generation at about 9,500-10,000 feet since 7 Ma at 9,800 feet in Kra Buri-1 well and 17 Ma at 12,500 feet in W9-E-1 well.
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Copyright © 2008 Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University. Parts of an article can be photocopied or reproduced without prior written permission from the author(s), but due acknowledgments should be stated or cited accordingly.
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