Facies Distribution and Stratigraphic Development in the PalaeoMahakam Delta, Indonesia
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This study examined the sedimentary facies and stratigraphic architecture of the palaeo-Mahakam Delta succession exposed at Stadion Utama Kaltim, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The nearly 200 m thick succession was logged for lithology, sedimentary structures, bed geometry, grain size and trace fossils. The observed sedimentary character such as fining upward, asymmetric ripples on the top of sand beds, and mud drapes on the cross laminae all suggest that the sediments were deposited by tidal currents. The most common burrows belong to the Skolithos ichnofacies indicating a shallow marine environment. However, the pervasive tidal influence and stacking pattern suggests a transgressive succession similar to that being deposited on the modern Mahakam delta. The outcrop is a potential analogue for subsurface reservoir sands within transgressive successions.
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Copyright © 2008 Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University. Parts of an article can be photocopied or reproduced without prior written permission from the author(s), but due acknowledgments should be stated or cited accordingly.
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