Facies Distribution and Stratigraphic Development on a Shale-Cored Ridge, Klias Peninsula, Malaysia

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Tan Chun Hock


Klias Peninsula is comprised of entirely Tertiary sedimentary rocks and superficial Quaternary deposits. New sedimentological and micropaleontological data document that all sediments formed in a shoreface to shelfal setting in front of a mud rich delta. Six lithofacies defined and interpreted based on sedimentary structures, trace fossil distribution and foraminifera assemblages suggest a wave dominant open shelf. Most of the Tertiary shoreface reservoir sandstones in NW Borneo are wave dominant thus the Klias Peninsula succession is a good analogue for most of the subsurface shoreface reservoirs. 

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How to Cite
Chun Hock, T. (2021). Facies Distribution and Stratigraphic Development on a Shale-Cored Ridge, Klias Peninsula, Malaysia. Bulletin of Earth Sciences of Thailand, 3(2), 9–11. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bestjournal/article/view/246479
Research Articles


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