Dating Ancient Remains by Thermoluminescence: Implications of Incompletely Burnt Bricks
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In this study, the feasibility of thermoluminescence dating for ancient burnt bricks related to archaeometry are investigated at the Thung Tuk archaeological site. All samples were prepared by the quartz inclusion treating technique and evaluate equivalent dose by using the regeneration
technique. The natural radionuclide concentration of uranium (U), thorium (Th) and potassium (K) were determined by using gamma ray spectrometry for natural dose rate assessment. The TLdating results of brick pieces indicated two different age ranges –one around 840-1,500 years BP and another at about 2,800 years BP. The younger date range corresponded quite well to the previous chronological results of the site (1,000-1,300 year BP from antique typology and 1,070-1,310 years BP from conventional radiocarbon dating) whereas the contrasting old date of brick sample had been subjected to incomplete burning of brick during the production process. In final, we concluded that the age of the Thung Tuk archaeological site is about 840-1,500 years BP based on TL dating results of bricks.
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