Providing QoS for Multi-Class Traffic in IEEE 802.11 DCF with Constant Contention Window

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Warakorn Srichavengsup
Kanticha Kittipeerachon


This paper presents two Medium Access Control algorithms named Limiting Accessible Slots (LAS) and Splitting Accessible Slots (SAS), which enable the IEEE 802.11 distributed coordination function (DCF) with Constant Contention Window protocol to support traffic with different quality of service requirements. LAS algorithm restricts slot access to group 1 users while group 2 users can access all slots. While SAS algorithm restricts slot access to both groups of users. Each group of users can only access the slots allocated to them. There are no slots that are shared by both groups of users. From the results, we found that each group of users has different average delay time for accessing the channel, so these algorithms can be used to provide different Quality of Service (QoS) for multi-class traffic. In conclusion, appropriately setting the accessible slots for group 1 and group 2 users is crucial for achieving the desired QoS levels, highlighting the importance of tailoring these parameters to the specific user distribution.

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Research Article


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