Real-time Intrusion Detection System Using Machine Learning for Enhanced and Efficient Cybersecurity in Organizations

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Natdanai Kongkhunthod
Prasong Praneetpolgrang
Payap Sirinam


The purpose of this research is to create a real-time cyber intrusion detection system using machine learning to strengthen and enhance cybersecurity within organizations. RapidMiner Studio was used to analyze intrusion data with 4 algorithms: Decision Tree, Naïve Bayes, Random Forest, and Gradient Boosted Trees. The algorithms were evaluated and compared using the Royal Air Force Cyber Intrusion Detection Dataset (RTAF Dataset) to determine their accuracy based on precision and recall values. The top 2 from 4 performing algorithms were then combined using ensemble machine learning techniques. The resulting algorithm was evaluated and compared based on precision and recall values. The algorithm with the highest performance was then used to create a real-time cyber intrusion detection system using machine learning. The results showed that the real-time cyber intrusion detection system using machine learning for strengthening and enhancing cybersecurity in organizations, developed using a software development process combined with ensemble machine learning-based real-time cyber intrusion detection using the Gradient Boosted Trees algorithm in conjunction with the Naïve Bayes algorithm using the Stacking technique, can provide prediction results with an accuracy of 99.77% and a precision of 88.59%.

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Research Article


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