Algorithm for Solving the Detour Hinge Vertex Problem on Circular-arc Graphs

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Yoko Nakajima
Shoma Nameki
Tomonari Izumi
Hirotoshi Honma


Consider a simple undirected graph gif.latex?G=(V,&space;E) with vertex set gif.latex?V and edge set gif.latex?E. Let gif.latex?G&space;-&space;u be a subgraph induced by the vertex set gif.latex?V&space;-&space;u. The distance gif.latex?d_G(x,&space;y) is defined as the length of the shortest path between vertices gif.latex?x and gif.latex?y in gif.latex?G. The vertex gif.latex?u&space;\in&space;V is a hinge vertex if there are two vertices gif.latex?x,&space;y&space;\in&space;V&space;-&space;u such that gif.latex?d_{G&space;-&space;u}(x,&space;y)>d_{G}(x,&space;y). Let gif.latex?U be a set consisting of all hinge vertices of gif.latex?G. The neighborhood of gif.latex?u, denoted by gif.latex?N(u), is the set of all vertices adjacent to gif.latex?u. We define the detour degree of gif.latex?u as gif.latex?det(u)=\max\{d_{G-u}(x,&space;y)-2&space;\mid&space;d_{G-u}(x,&space;y)>d_{G}(x,&space;y),&space;x,&space;y&space;\in&space;N(u)&space;\} for gif.latex?u&space;\in&space;U. The detour hinge vertex problem aims to determine the hinge vertex gif.latex?u that maximizes gif.latex?det(u) in gif.latex?G. In this study, we proposed an efficient algorithm for solving the detour hinge vertex problem on circular-arc graphs that runs in gif.latex?O(n^2) time, where gif.latex?n is the number of vertices in the graph.

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