Performance Improvement of Tree Algorithm Using Adaptive Splitting Algorithms

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Warakorn Srichavengsup
Kanticha Kittipeerachon


In this paper, we propose the Adaptive Splitting Type-1 and Adaptive Splitting Type-2 algorithms that can be used in conjunction with the existing tree algorithms. binary tree and ternary tree algorithms divide users involved in a collision into a constant number of groups. Splitting users into a fixed number of groups without taking into account the number of collision-related users results in lower channel utilization. Therefore, the proposed algorithms are designed to improve the performance of tree algorithms by adjusting the number of groups to be split to match the number of users involved in the collision. It can be observed from the results that Adaptive Splitting Type-1 and Adaptive Splitting Type-2 algorithms perform better binary tree and ternary tree algorithms in terms of average delay, which indicates that the proposed algorithms can be used to enhance the efficiency of the tree algorithms. In particular, the Adaptive Splitting Type-2 algorithm offers the best performance.

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Research Article


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