Advanced Teaching Materials for the Inverted Pendulum System by PLC Sequence Control

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Junichi SUGAYA
Kuniaki YAJIMA


Manufacture for beginners of the teaching materials by student’s proposals has been done fifth-year students’ practical training classes, in Dep. of Electronic Control Engineering, from 2010 to 2013. So we make this ideas develop some basic teaching materials of sequence control for international students and students in our college. Relay sequence control is the subject matter in these materials for beginners, because it is the foundation of sequence control. The purpose of manufacturing the materials is to enable students to understand the foundations of sequence circuits, such as logic circuit and self-hold circuit, using these teaching materials.Next, as an advanced step-up course of fundamental teaching materials, we developed new teaching materials whose subject is inverted-pendulum system. We selected the inverted-pendulum system, because it is unstable and it is possible to check the motion of pendulum visually. The objective of this inverted-pendulum system is to keep pendulum standing upright by using PLC-sequence control. The purpose of developing this teaching material is to enable students to understand sequence control. At present, we are testing the piecewise linear control for the inverted pendulum system, and we succeed to be able to keep it standing.

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Research Article


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