A Prototype of Management System for Sufficiency Economy Village through Responsive Web

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จุติพงษ์ จูมโสดา
เอกสิทธิ์ เทียมแก้ว
อรสา เตติวัฒน์


Sufficiency economy villages are villages, which apply the main sufficiency economy philosophy to use in their own communities. This study aimed to develop a prototype of management system for sufficiency economy village through responsive web. The sample of this study was Ban Huay Nam Takhe. The study began by collecting related documents and research paper about sufficiency economy villages. Then, interviews with community leaders and farmers of Ban Huay Nam Takhe were conducted. Next, interview data was analyzed using object-oriented with UML. Then, the user interface was designed and a prototype of management system for sufficiency economy village was developed using Sublime Text3 program and HTML, CSS, PHP and JavaScript language. Next, the system was tested and evaluated by 10 leaders and farmers. The result showed that users were satisfied with the system performance at a high level with the average score of 4.41 and standard deviation of 0.28. This indicated that this system can help manage information and projects of sufficiency economy village effectively. In addition, the system also was easy to use and accessible to all smart phones, tablet, and desktop.

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Research Article


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