Online Active Learning Activities to Enhance English Writing Skills for Non-native speakers in Vocational College
Active learning, Achievement, Satisfaction, English WritingAbstract
The purposes of this study were 1) To design non-native speakers’ Online Vocabulary Active Learning activities in English writing skills in a higher vocational college. 2) To assess the English writing learning achievement of Chinese higher vocational college students who participate in Online Active Learning activities by learning items before and after class and examining differences in the English writing learning achievement of students in three different learning groups (low, medium, and high background).3)To investigate the satisfaction of Chinese higher vocational college students with their online vocabulary Active English writing Learning Activities. The sample studies are 30 students in first-year students at Zhejiang Vocational College. Research tools include online active learning activities and a questionnaire measuring students’ satisfaction with online active teaching. Statistics for data analysis are percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, t-test dependent, and ANOVA. The results were as follows: 1.The online active learning teaching method can effectively change students’ attitude toward English writing. Students’ writing attitude has become more positive and their interest in writing become stronger. 2. Compared with the traditional result teaching method, the online active learning teaching method can improve the English writing level of students at different group, especially middle and low-level students. 3. Most participants (more than 70%) believe that learning English writing skills through online active learning activities is very interesting and can create a good atmosphere in the classroom.
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