Developing Computational Thinking of Freshmen Using Block-based Programming and Project-based Learning
block-based programming, computational thinking, COVID-19, online learning, project-based learningAbstract
In this study, we carried out an experiment with 90 participants (first-year students enrolled in a Bachelor of Education Program in educational technology and communications at King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi). At the beginning of the experiment, all participants were asked to take computational thinking (CT) test to measure their CT. During the sessions, all participants were taught by Microbit and needed to make groups to create Microbit artifacts. Although the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic lessened in Thailand, we provided a combination of synchronous learning (live streaming meetings via Zoom) and asynchronous learning (learning management system via Moodle) to prevent the gathering of students in the classroom. However, because project-based learning requires collaboration, members in the group were allowed to meet to complete the project. After the experiment, they took the CT test again. The results show that there was a great improvement in students’ post-test results. An assessment based on the investigation of created artifacts demonstrates that the participants acquired CT skills related to programming at a proficient level.
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