A Development of Web-based Instruction for Demonstration to Support Psycho-motor Skill through Applying Davies' Instructional Model toward Integration Learning Method
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The purposes of this research were : 1) to develop Web-based Instruction for Demonstration to Support Psycho-motor Skill through Applying Davies' Instructional Model toward Integration Learning Method 2) to evaluate students’ psycho-motor skill 3) to compare students’ learning achievement before and after using Web-based Instruction 4) to study satisfaction towards creation of Web-based Instruction. The 30 students was sample group which to selected by the purposive sampling from population was 125 students whom registered in Computer Graphic for Applications subject in first semester of the 2012 academic year of Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep .
The results of this research revealed that : 1) Webbased Instruction obtained the efficiency of 83.52/81.04 2) the average scores of students’ psycho-motor skill were at the good level ( =3.43) 3) the post-learning achievement (
=45.34) of the students used the Webbased Instruction was significantly higher than prelearning (
=8.63) counterpart at the .05 4) students’ satisfaction towards creation of Web-based Instruction were at the good level (
= 3.46)
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