About the Journal

The UP International Journal of Science and Technology is an international English language peer-reviewed journal which is published in printed and electronic format twice a year in January and July by the School of Science, University of Phayao. The journal publishes original research papers that provide novel findings and important contribution to broad area in science, technology and mathematics. Areas covered include Mathematics, Statistics, Biology, Chemistry, Physic, Astronomy, Material and Applied Sciences. Manuscripts may report scientifically useful data, observations or model predictions, and/or provide a new scientific concept or a new explanation of published results. Special issues can also be published by prior arrangement but are limited to not more than 2 issues per year.

Manuscripts describing experiments on humans or animals are required to provide proof that all experiments have been carried out according to the ethical regulations of the respective institutional and/or governmental authorities and this should be clearly stated in the manuscript itself.  The Editor reserves the right to reject manuscripts that fail to do so.

Papers which have already been published in other journals or which are under consideration by other journals should not be submitted. Similarly, papers published here should not be submitted to other journals. Manuscripts that are suspected to involve plagiarism or other types of ethical misconduct, including but not limited to duplicate publication, multiple submission or salami slicing will also be rejected.

Submitted manuscripts must conform to the guidelines given in the instruction for authors.

Type of Articles

1. Review articles 

2.Research articles

3. Short communication


2 issues per year (January-June, July-December) 


Fulltext in English